operagrrl Member


  • Nice job! Watching those numbers drop is so gratifying! Keep it up!
  • I always make my own! Sometimes I'll just pour a little evoo and balsamic over my salad with a pinch of salt and some fresh ground pepper. Easy and delish! If I'm in the mood for something with more zing, I pour 1 part evoo, .75 part white wine vinegar, 1 clove of garlic (finely minced), .5 tsp mustard powder, a splash of…
  • I switched to low carb about 6 months ago and feel SO MUCH BETTER! Intestinal distress went away, I have more energy, and I sleep better. And I was a serious carb addict. I LOVED bread. Like, bread was the best think about pretty much every meal. But if you search for paleo recipes online, you'll find tons of amazing…
  • I'm doing paleo as well. I just joined here this week, so I'm still trying to get a handle on what my daily intake should look like. Feel free to add me!