berry83sweet Member


  • Word! I usually wont post a question because I don't want to be made fun of!
  • YES!!! Everytime I ever go on a diet this happens initially. I feel like the tip of my nose, hands and feet are worse. I sort of attribute it to my thyroid issues. Also, if I fast or anything like that it gets way worse. I really think it is our metabolism or possibly circulation related to our metabolism. I'd mention it…
  • oh and I just wanted to add.....I met a guy who was 6'7......He told me that he wasn't interested in me because he prefers shorter girls. Are you serious? I'm barely 5'10.
  • OMG!!!! Thank you for posting this! I say this all of the time and everyone just looks at me and blinks. You can hide more weight being tall, but when it starts to show, you feel like a wall. I can't find clothes anywhere lately, when I was "willowy" as one post said, I looked amazing in anything. But, nobody every…
  • lost 5lbs!
  • story of my life
  • Hey! Nice to meet you. I'm 5'10 and 179lbs. I'd love to be 130lbs again, but uhm....yeah. I'm 29 years old and my goal weight right now is 150lbs. I wear a 13 in pants. Used to be a size 7. OH!!! Please feel free too add me! I don't update my food chart/work out chart. I should start doing that. But I do update my weight…
  • I would be annoyed if my partner were logging stuff at the table or during our time together. I think you should set a time during the day that you get on here so that you don't get burnt out. Maybe try to include him in MFP or motivate him to create an account. I know you have found a new past time but maybe give him a…
  • I'm new to this site. I turn 30 in june of 2013. I really just want to look good in skinny jeans. I will have my A.A after this semester. I guess I'd like to get accepted into Nursing school too! Just saying. Hmmm
  • I was out of town this past week. I am not weighing in until sat. I would be happy -2lbs. I was 179 at the dr in august. Im buying a scale asap, no more denial!