

  • Don't be shy! Add me =P
  • I'd settle for one that isn't crazy....nice or bad. Been dating a lot of crazies lately....though i like the idea of a girl i don't feel i can handle...i looooove being put in my place and trying to fight it....not a challenge to anyone...just sayin...;)
  • Will be 31 in July. No kids, no wife. Perfectly happy being single. Actually had more fun my first year of my 30s than I ever did any year of my 20s.
  • It's funny that i saw this cause i'm totally drinking one right now....i say if one coke zero prevents you from eating a half gallon of ice cream or stuffing your face with other carbs (why i do it)....then drink it. =)
  • I'd marry....but that's not possible sooooo......friends??? lol
  • I think it just takes time. After my big break up a while back i took that time to really better myself as a person and did things that made me happy. Worked out a lot, got caught up with all the friends i didn't have time to see as much as I wanted, and spent time with my brothers. I don't think you can narrow it down to…
  • Just give her a lotta love :happy: . My dog had stiches when we got her fixed too.....i felt so bad the first night because she had the cone on her head...that i put her in my bed, took the cone off, and couldn't sleep cause i kept checking to make sure she wasn't biting
  • I get mad crazy carb cravings at night so I started taking smaller doses of 5-HTP to try and stop them as well as help me sleep better. I can't say it's worked completely...but might be something to look into. I've also heard burning vanilla scented candles helps control cravings for sweets. Hope that helps somewhat!
  • I try to stick with low fat cottage cheese...sometimes with a little bit of fruit...just ate it actually :tongue: