sugarhighme Member


  • I started keto a week ago and so far I love it. I'm definitely someone who enjoys bread, pastries and pasta. The thing is, once I start eating those things, I can't stop. I went through the pantry and filled up a laundry basket and big storage tub with all of the pasta, bread, tortillas, bread mixes, dressings, rice, etc.…
  • I am getting used to the meds. Just moved up a dose today. I have to say that I have LOTS of energy on Viibryd. That's a good thing. Also, I have very vivid and somewhat strange dreams. At least when I'm sleeping now, I'm sleeping soundly. And guess what, I got a job! I start Sunday. I think everything is going to come…
  • Just wanted to update. My doctor recommended I half the dosage, even though it is a starter pack, just to give me a little more gradual progression to get used to this medication. I feel like I'm adjusting to the dose I started on. I would move up to the next step in the starter pack and double my dose today, but I'm just…
  • Thank you all for the information and feedback. I left a message with my doctor just now, letting her know about the panic attack and other side-effects I'm experiencing. At the moment I'm feeling okay. I only got about 3 hours of sleep, but I woke up with energy, though still nauseous. I DO see a GP, not a psychiatrist. I…
  • Just sent a request. I joined MFP last night on the suggestion of a friend. I have an open diary. I think it will help keep me honest. Also, I like the idea that all of us can get ideas for meals/snacks by looking at what other people do. I nursed my son (now 4) for the first 16 months of his life. Aside from it being…