kicklikeaGIRL Member


  • Kelly girl....I SWEAR by a foam roller, the big thick kind. (The kind that you have to basically sit on and roll your body over top of them) I got mine for like $15-20 at a local sports shop. And I roll my hips on top of it. It feels sooo good. One of my clients is a physical therapist and he says that he swears by it as…
  • Try looking at one of my favorite recipe websites.... She takes a "healthy" version on familiar, homestyle recipes. :)
  • I love I'm assuming that is where you got this recipe...:bigsmile: the way.... I found this exact recipe on her website today, and prepared my grocery list so I can make them this weekend!! Have you tried making them?? Did they turn out as great as they look on her recipe website?? And did they…
  • In the process of losing weight, you will experience hunger pains a lot. But, this site can help you see if you are meeting your nutritional needs vs. your body's "needs". Our bodies get accustomed to eating larger portions and quanties and when we restrict them, and put ourselves on a more strict diet, hunger pains…
  • This is a great idea! I haven't had Fast Food in years! If you get a chance, watch the documentary Super Size Me. Or even Food, Inc. Both documentaries are eye-openers. And while I don't know if I agree with everything in each of the documentaries, its still pretty interesting and makes you think a little more about what…
  • That's good! I remember when I was in college (not that it was too long ago), but I was worried because all the gym models (you know the ones- who look flawless, and its totally not fair!) didn't seem to sweat a drop while their make-up was perfectly painted on. But, now I don't care either! :) I'm proud of my sweat, it…
  • You're body is more efficient at cooling itself now!! I am the same way. When I'm in better shape I tend to sweat more. Just call me Sweaty Betty. It is important to drink a lot of fluids when you sweat a little more, because your body is getting rid of the fluid in your sweat. So, I always make sure to have a water bottle…
  • I know this is bad, but I usually will tell my family that I don't eat much red meat--which is usually the bulk of what they bring--and its NOT lean, nor cooked in a healthy manner. I tell them I don't eat much red meat because it doesn't settle well with my stomach. And to be honest---its true. My body does not handle…
  • I hear ya! My biggest thing about going to an amusement park is not wanting to eat as much, 'cause the options of what they have aren't the greatest! But, you're need to make sure to refuel! Eye ball portion sizes and try to stick to healthier options :) And most importantly...have fun!!!! I love amusement…
  • I'm going to an amusement park in about a week with my family, and I plan on enjoying the day and not worrying about how many calories I've burned. My personal opinion is that anything outside of getting my workout clothes on and getting really sweaty isn't something I count for calories burned. So, I don't count it when I…
  • I agree with what many others said about not running with music in the past---BUT I do think its because I didn't have an MP3 player or i-pod shuffle.... I had a big bulky discman. I didn't run track in high school, I just did road running. Once I got my first I-pod shuffle I started running outside with music (back in…
  • Tin foil dinner!! :) I put a bunch of veggies.... potatoes, zucchini, peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, green beans, broccoli, asparagus....whatever you heart desires in some tin foil with a little seasoning and put it on the grill. You could even add some tofu if you wanted. I'm a meat-eater. But, when we go camping…
  • Thanks ladies!! I think I will start looking for a good Chiropractor in the area. My next race is completely opposite of my last Half Marathon on Saturday. Saturday's race was a 1/2 mile hill followed by 12 miles downhill (coming out of the canyon in the mountains) and about 1 mile flat. It was fantastic! My June 11th Half…
  • I love checking up on these marathon support posts.... I would LOVE to run a Full is one of my goals for 2012. My goal for 2011 is to shed some excess weight and run like a mad woman! I want to properly train and have as much energy as I can to train for a Full...and I feel like if I were focused on also…
  • Hey!!! I am in NEED of a good running support group! I'm currently debating running my first Marathon this fall. We'll see. I have had some IT band issues in the past month and have FINALLY recovered with lots of streching/foam rolling/ice baths. I wasn't able to run for a full month,which sucked-to put it lightly. I've…
  • Sometimes if I want a lower carb meal, but yet filling...I will steam spinach, use a little marinara sauce or a garlic/onion/olive oil drizzle on top and then meatballs. maybe paired with a light italian salad?
  • I hate being trapped on the TM too......but there are days when the treadmill is the only option. It sounds like you enjoy running outside, and put the TM option as a last resort. If too! Are you using the TM at a gym? Does the gym have a TV? Or are you using the TM at home?
  • Running outdoors helps me to keep "entertained" throughout my run. Scenery, people watching, animals, nature, etc. During the extreme cold winter months (Dec-Feb) I do run on the treadmill, and I find that watching a show on the TV or putting together a good mix of music helps. I typically order my music so that when I…
  • How did yout TK training go? Which round was it??? I've been taking TK classes for years, and just got certified last year. I've been teaching night classes since August at the local University gym. Its SO fun!!! I love the energy and how fun the workout is! Not to mention...high intensity!! :) LOVE IT!
  • great recipe! I tried it this weekend and it was fabulous! Will definitely be adding this to my collection.
  • I love using garlic and a little parsley & basil ...... then usually after I cook it, I bake it in the oven for like 5 minutes with a little sprinkling of parmesan cheese on top.
  • This is just plain unfair. If you're going to post one person's remark, you might as well include the other sarcastic and rude messages previous to this one. I mean, honestly...the OP was rude to EVERYONE who was trying to understand her better. This whole thread is no more than high school behavior.
  • agreed 100%! I too have found that it is sometimes hard to lose weight and do endurance training. It definitely doesn't come off very slow, mine has been a slow and steady process.
  • Hey!! Way to go on training for a half marathon!! I ran my first ever half last year, and ran a 2nd half a month was awesome!! This year I plan on running 3-5 halfs...and a full marathon. I am also in the same boat...I would love to lose 10-15 pounds. I will say, that I only lost 5 pounds running last year and…
  • CONGRATS!! I remember getting married and the stress got to me, so one piece of advice would be not to stress, but enjoy the planning!! Its only going to happen once! :bigsmile: And, your brother will be proud of you regardless!! So, thankful for his service!! When I was doing my wedding planning...all I could seem to…
  • You can do this! I find that when I'm stressed...I do one of two things...I either exercise off the stress in a nice long run. Or I eat. I love exercise because after I'm done I feel better. Eating for the sake of filling a void...I just feel worse. Find something that makes you feel good, an exercise that makes you feel…
  • Honestly...if you are talking about the post I think you are talking about....I see nothing wrong with how people responded. In fact, a certain someone (no names...right?) seemed to be very defensive. Some people are so self-indulged and judgemental of others that they they refuse to look at the fact that they can also be…
  • I usually roast or slow cook my birds. I don't have a Trader I typically buy from the local grocer. And then I just use a fork to shred the meat, rather than use a slicer. Its just easier that way and less expensive. I typically put the meet in the crockpot or the oven and let them cook duringt the day, and then…
  • I feel your pain. But, I know that its probably not on purpose that there are so many different entries. My personal idea would be to have a "favorites" list of foods that I've searched for, confirmed, and can add to my own personal database. That way I don't have to search through tons, I can search through just my…
  • The biggest reason all of them are giving you different answers is because you can't accurately measure you Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) unless you get tested for it. All of these programs use your estimated BMR to calculate how many calories you can eat per day and lose weight. The measurements the guidelines its giving you…