

  • Just an update really - I stayed on the atkins for just over 2 months and had a loss of 2 stone 1 lb and nearly a year later the weight is still off. I am also eating normally again, it just gave me the kick start I needed :)
  • You look like a different person. You give me motivation :)
  • You look amazing!!!
  • Name/ real name: Lauren Henderson-Payne Goal weight on December 31: 158 12/1: 170 12/3: 12/10: 12/17: 12/24: 12/31:
  • Me please :) 1 year ago I was 229 pounds, I am now 168 pounds and would like to be147 pounds. Im dedicated thats why Ive lost so much xxx
  • Hey everyone what's this group about? Sounds good...can I join?
  • Only you know your body, of you're not feeling right then don't take the risk. I never got Atkins flu, a had a bit of a headache for the first few days but when I drank plenty of water I felt better. Now I don't have any symptoms and go to the toilet very regular. Some people have problems with Atkins and others don't.…
  • Oh yes defiantly a difference between good and bad carbs! Slower is better i think, at the minute I lose on average 2 pounds a week and that is brilliant for me :) hope all goes well for you
  • I agree with you here, it is no better. Just a matter of personal choice. I work with a girl that is calorie counting and she can eat whatever she wants, but for me I am eating what I want :) I am measuring my fat loss, and I feel miles better. Even exercising is not a chore for me anymore due to being less heavy.
  • Also if you would like to get into a political discussion about where our tax money is being spent then we would have to start a whole new thread. Almost accusing people on a low carb diet who are lowering their bmi of wasting government money when the biggest financial drain are people that are overweight or are smokers -…
  • As someone who always works and lost her dad to stomach cancer I find your response rather insulting. My health is very important to me after watching my father die slow and painfully. My dad had cancer before I fell pregnant and then I buried him a week before my daughter was born. So I more than most have looked into the…
  • Funny cus I'm now down 26 pounds and have gone from a size 16 to a 14
  • Beautifully put
  • Sorry the last post doesn't make much sense, I'm typing on my phone
  • I have never heard of this plan I will look into it :) I don't restrict my calories normally, but I tend not to eat over about 1200kcals as I can eat a lot of food for that of calories, and struggle to go over that much more. For 1200 I get breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
  • Losing weight is not hard for me personally, I've found it really easy as Im eating all the normal foods I did before I was pregnant. However, PEOPLE do find it hard losing weight, otherwise everyone would be skinny. Don't make a judgement on a person and their lifestyle based on one comment which you have interpreted…
  • Everyone is talking like I'm someone who has always struggled with my weight - I am not. I have just had a baby. I don't follow atkins to the extreme, I just eat lots of veg, salad and fish. Unhealthy? I think not. As for losing weight only being hard when youre on a fad diet - no it's not. By that statement I meant it's…
  • [/quote] Agree. It is your right to state your opinion. FWIW, every person I know who did Atkins lost weight. Some people lost quite a bit. However, every person I know who did Atkins eventually went off it and gained back more weight than they lost. Take this FWIW. I am losing weight the normal way for the 5th time in my…
  • Hey sorry I haven't replied I'm normally on here using my mobile. Im on my 8th week of atkins now and have lost 24 pounds :) Loving all the good and healthy food it encourages me to eat... In response to the remark thats its unsustainable, it's a matter of opinion. I am on a support group on minimins with lots of other…
  • Hey Ive just finished my 14th day of Atkins, and I have to admit for me it's a lifestyle. I want to be healthier and cut out all the fast food and easy convenience food. Same with any diet, you have to look at what made you overweight in the first place, and deal with those issues first. Atkins has a really bad stigma…