

  • For the mean time, yes!! Just starting the third trimester of my pregnancy and don't want to gain much more weight. Doctor approved weight maintenance as long as I continue to eat a balanced diet. I've lost 100 pounds in the past, so they trust me to know my body better than a scale. :)
  • Welcome back!! I just re-joined after a few years away! Used MFP to lose 100 pounds in college and thanks to being seven months pregnant, am going to need to lose a bit of weight starting in January. Would love to help you stay motivated in the mean time. I'm just trying to keep from gaining too much weight as it is, so I…
  • I agree with you that in most cases the scale is not what someone should focus on while pregnant. However, hypertension, pre-eclampsia and eclamsia run very strong in my family. It's for my baby's and my safety that I not gain much more weight. I have been maintaining for over a month now and he has continued to grow right…