gymrat789 Member


  • don't obsess over bathroom scales, they are not 100 % accurate, Fluctuations are very common. the main thing is that you have to use the same scale in monitoring your weight. Weigh yourself ONCE per week and monitor the weight changes. scales differ from each other. i used to compare my weight from my bathroom scale to the…
  • First question, do you work out? Dieting by itself is never enough. If you are not a gym member, i suggest that you work out at home. How often do you walk ( exercise walking )? Do you take the stairs instead of the elevator? there are plenty of ways do get out of your funk. First thing you have to do is get back to your…
  • i am not a nurse but a lab tech for a very busy hospital. i also work nights. I always pack protein bars and nuts. It helps me with my hunger and gives me the energy i need.
  • Exercising should not be a choice, but a way of life. just like brushing your teeth, taking a bath and eating. It shoud be a part of your DAILY routine. Find time to do it. that means giving up on some of your favorite tv shows or internet time. As far as your eating habits are concerned. Say goodbye to sweets for good.…
  • I call it my "cheat day ", every sunday after i do my official weigh in. i allow myself to cheat. I have pizza, omelette, maybe a piece of cake here and there. but make sure you don't go 300 calories above your limit or it will be hard to burn those off the rest of the week. A cheat day is only ONE day, not every day.
  • If you really want to lose weight. You got to work out. NO EXCUSES !. Watch what you eat too. Say goodbye to fast food. This is my constant reminder, every french fry you eat adds more inches to the waist.
  • Maintain your weight. Keep up the work out. i suggest eating more protein and less carbs. also, increase your cardio workout, those are excellent fat burners specially in the morning before breakfast. Your body will have no choice but to burn off the remaining fat. If you have a fat body scale, it is a good tool to monitor…