redangel_321 Member


  • Pitbull always keeps me moving! :) Running or martial arts/kickboxing - sick beat keeps me motivated
  • I am active in KEMPO and Brazlian Jujitsu now - but come from a background in Taekwondo - 3+ years in that. Please feel free to add me as well! :) I love getting to know other fellow martial arts people no matter the discipline. I am one of the guys in my school.. :)
  • Hi! I am new to fitness pal - but not a stranger to martial arts. I did 3 years in taekwondo - and now I am training Kenpo and Jujitsu. I think I spelled that right . :) I am happy to be training and working out again and learning new tools for my martial arts life. I am excited to be on here to make the adjustment to my…
  • stay strong and give this all you have! I am new here and loving the accountabilty and support! U can do this - just remember its every day for the rest of your life. :)