

  • Married mom of one beautiful girl- got pregnant at 19 so my 20th birthday party was a baby shower I've grown a lot and would not give up being a mother My friends- their children are grown, and they're going/gone through divorces Me? I'm a stay at home mom who's nights out end in phone calls saying my daughter won't sleep-…
  • Chesapeake- in the country. :) 15 mins from the boarder to NC Feel free to add: no friends on the site.
  • Ashley here :) 21 years old, married in October this year, a puppy, and a 1 year old ughhhhhhhhhhh weight... 200 usually 235 before baby 260 baby born 275 since baby :sad: story is in my blog which I mostly write to entertain myself and not loose focus. if i get back to 200 in a size 18, i'll be thrilled, but hopefully…
  • health, my daughter. but it never hurts feeling better about yourself. 1 workout always makes me feel better. 1 piece of junk food makes feel bad. that's all the motivation I need in the morning. Now its become a habit to drink only water, skip fast food, and eat my vegetables. Only takes a week to break and change a habit…