

  • Thank you. Great Link. I'm upping my red meat intake and taking the iron tabs as a way to kick start getting back to a healthy level of iron stores (and feeling less like a zombie). Then hope to cut out the iron tablets and maintain through diet. I appreciate the advice everyone has given.
  • Thanks. Taking a general Woman's Multi and drinking juice for Vit C and what ever else I might be lacking. Will start taking them with Breakfast from now on. Dr tried to put me on Ferrogard again, but I wasn't having a bar of those. I've found Floradix and so far after about 3 weeks, no side effects. Long may it last!!!…
  • Thanks. My main concern is the Iron tablets and getting the most out of them.
  • employ a chef employ a personal trainer employ a live in nanny (to give me time to work out) Have houses in France and Spain have a boob job (get rid of them)
  • Sorry, I should have been clearer in my original post..... I don't watch Dr Oz - haven't seen any hype about it. I had a woman at the heath food shop try and sell it to me as a Digestive function aid. Basically what she was say is: when you suddely start reducing calories and change your eating habits your digestion slows…
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