

  • Oh, and to save on waste when I have buy celery but only need 1-2 stalks for my recipe, I just chop the whole bunch at once and freeze what I don't need for later! Same with bag of carrots and onions. I also save all the veggie scraps and freeze them to make vegetable broth.
  • I had the same problem with my fresh produce going bad before I had a chance to eat it--frozen veggies are great! And I've just gotten used to making a mid-week grocery store trip to buy more produce. My bill is higher though when I need to buy more fresh items, but I try to mitigate it by shopping the sales. I also used…
  • Need to lose 108, 98 left to go! Please feel free to add me :)
  • My default right now is 1860 calories per day. My plan is protein smoothies every morning... I did that before I got pregnant with my son and they kept me full ALL morning. I use the GNC Lean Shake 25, made with almond milk instead of water (richer than with water, but fewer calories than with plain milk). Usually throw in…
  • Hi everyone! I'm Christina, 30-year-old mom of 2--a 2-yr-old girl and 10-month-old boy (18 months apart). Back in 2010, I weighed right around 275lbs (I'm 5'9). I went to my doctor because my husband and I had been trying for a year to get pregnant with no luck. My doctor said she absolutely would not prescribe Clomid or…
  • Add me please! Work full time sitting at a desk alllll day with 2 kids--a 2 year old and 10-month-old. Need to lose 100 pounds!
  • I would like to join :) I have about 100 pounds to lose now... a year and a half ago I lost about 50lbs with MFP and then got pregnant and threw it all out the window. Follow that with some serious personal life mishaps and emotional eating and well, now I've got 100lbs to lose again! Ugh. No excuses this time! Steeners
  • Hi! I'm 30 and I have just over 100 pounds to lose... got close to my goal a year and a half ago using MFP, and then got pregnant and decided I didn't need to watch my eating anymore :( We can do this!