I don't actually cry at any movie but I do get chocked up at a lot of them. Return to Me. Pay it Forward. !3th Warrior with Antonio Banderas when Buliwyf dies. and I will have to agree about How to Train Your Dragon with the end scene. No matter how many times I've seen these movies they still affect me. As for when the…
I agree with Alex_is_Hawks. For some of us who have to lose a lot of weight people just don't notice. Specially people who see you every day. The first people to say anything to me where friends who I haven't seen in about 4 months.
Once a week for me. In my opinion there is just too much flexuation in a day to really get a good idea. It doesn't take much to get discouraged when you have weighed yourself several days in a row to see that you have not lost or heaven forbid gained something specially if you had a very salty meal the night before and are…