

  • seems that way.. I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot but apparently asking a question that I honestly want to know about more was wrong. should of started off with Hi-- my name is Jen-- I am not a scammer-- how is your day going?
  • HAHAHA I'm not here to push any product. I'm just here to keep track of calories on my page and to lose weight-- but that's fine think i'm a spammer or pusher because I don't have a profile picture- i'll change that i guess. and i just haven't checked in with my weight lose yet because i just weighed myself this morning.…
  • Holy crap... didn't realize my post was going to be such a problem for all of you... Anyways-- I can afford shakes because I work full-time, my husband works full-time and goes to school full-time. thank you all for being SOO SOO SOO wonderful