

  • You would have to be very strict with your calories & what you eat to lose more than 1 pound a week, such as no processed foods, no added sugar, etc. A very clean diet . 1 pound is really good in a week though! Regarding the HRM monitor, it will make it easier to keep track of how many calories you burn during cardio. I…
  • I use a gel deodorant like Degree & let it dry for a moment before putting on my pants. Huge difference after my usual long run.
  • Oatmeal is alway a good choice. It's low in calories & very versatile. Lately I've been poaching an egg and having it over my oatmeal with 2 strips of bacon. It comes out to just a little over 300 calories. Also maybe look for the book 400 Calorie Fix. Tons of delicious recipes & there are two books. Plus it will teach you…