

  • No was on a 1200 calorie diet trying to up it to 1500 - 1600 and will eat back most of the Insantiy calories on top of that, might be a bit bonkers and uninformed in the nutrition stakes but also understand that I need to have enough energy to get out of bed in the mornings :-)
  • weird what we do to ourselves and how we would rather opt for the gimmicky diet rather than what our common sense is telling us. Thanks to these message boards on MFP and similar I have only recently realised why when I stop my 1200 cals a day diet the weight piles on so this week while I am struggling with a cold and…
  • Hi ya sorry just getting a chance to catch up this morning would love the blog link if you can send. Hope all going well with insanity finish week 3 today (ignoring night off last night for hubbies birthday!) cannot believe I have got this far and looking forward to the next few weeks.
  • Very interesting advice above l worked to 1200 cals for several months to try to lose around 10lbs and really struggled as found that if I ever strayed from the diet and had even one cake or treat I put back on a disproportionate amount of weight. Now working to around1600 with exercise and trying to build up. Also found…
  • Hey Melissa, On day 13 today (not sure if that is an omen or not). Would not say it gets easier as have found that as you progress and get better at the exercises you can then work harder. Have found though that you do get stronger quickly. Enjoying it and the challenge but is tough for sure. Got myself some calorie free…