bianc71 Member


  • This picture was taken 2 days ago :)
  • Last year I gave up soda for Lent and when Lent was over, I drank 3 sodas in one day. I found that I no longer cared for them and no longer drink soda at all. The greatest part of giving soda up was that it helped me to get started on a weight loss journey that is still unfolding. I have lost a total of 114 pounds and it…
  • # 1 - Love Yourself and Believe you are worth it (this may not apply to all, but for some of us, this is a huge obstacle standing in the way of success) # 2 - Be Honest and Accountable about what you are putting into your body, otherwise you're only cheating yourself. # 3 - Be Forgiving if you do go off track and learn…