

  • How do you reset your percentages?
    in Protein Comment by cbaumez February 2011
  • I don't have an HRM but I have a Wii and an Xbox Kinnect and I would highly recommend an Xbox Kinnect over Wii. It's much more active and they have several exercise videos available and also the Dance Central game really kicks your butt for exercise. Unlike the Wii, where you have to use the remote, Kinnect picks it up if…
  • It really depends on what you prefer and what works for you. Whatever diet you are on...low fat, low cal or low carb, food substitutes one for the other. If you stick to a low calorie diet the calories will be replaced with higher carbs or fat, if you stick to a low carb diet the carbs are replaced with higher calories or…
  • Exercise will burn those carbs right off. Your body will burn carbs for energy first before your body fat. I have a diabetic in the family and I am always carb consious. In the future, if you want to lose weight faster keep your protein higher than your carb count especially if you exercise regularly.
  • Some weight loss articles say once a week others say once a day so you can see what you need to change in your daily routine. I feel it's really up to you but one thing should stay consistent...Always way in at the same time of day. Your weight will vary depening on what time of day it is.
  • I'm the opposite. I am under on everything else and over on cals.