change4five18 Member


  • Hi! Just started keeping track of things this past Monday and figured joining a group would help me stay accountable. I'm in my mid-30's and definitely want to get this weight off before I'm any closer to 40. :) I'm a SAHM of a 3-year-old autistic boy. I've been married to the most incredible husband for almost 16 years.…
  • Hi! Just started keeping track of things this past Monday and figured joining a group would help me stay accountable. I also started using my fitbit this past Monday. I'm loving it! It's already motivating me to get my butt moving. :) I'm a SAHM of a 3-year-old autistic boy. I've been married to the most incredible husband…
  • Hi! Just started keeping track of things this past Monday and figured joining a group would help me stay accountable. Planning on starting Body Revolution in about two weeks and can't wait! I'm a SAHM of a 3-year-old autistic boy. I've been married to the most incredible husband for almost 16 years. We live in NC and love…
  • Hi! Just started keeping track of things this past Monday and figured joining a group would help me stay accountable. I'd love to get 52 pounds off before the end of the year. :) I'm a SAHM of a 3-year-old autistic boy. I've been married to the most incredible husband for almost 16 years. We live in NC and love it here…