

  • You need to kick start your body by either increasing your calorie intake by 100-150 calories per day (mainly proteins) and or increasing the intensity of your workouts. I had the same situation and talked to my nutritionist who made this suggestion. It may take a while for your body to adjust to the change but just hang…
  • Hello, I suggest some steamed mixed veggies from Green Giant, grilled chicken breast w/greek seasoning and a small salad w/low fat balsamic dressing. Great meal/filling and low on fat/calories, Approx 380-400 cal.
  • Hello, I enjoy tabouli which is a salad of tomatoes, parsley, wheat bulger, spices, lemon juice. Talapia is also a healthy fish and great grilled. For breakfast a good protein rich meal would be a boiled egg, cheese, grapes and a muslie muffin/whole wheat bread w/peanut butter.
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