I also have 100# to loose, I'm 62 and am trying to get motivated. It would be nice to have more friends here to push me on. lbastion222
Vitaines arent a necessity, you should get enough in the foods you eat, but we dont always eat the proper foods for that. That being said, you can use some vitamines if you like, but ask your doctor his or her opinion just to be sure. Linda222
I believe we all can do it if we stick together, good luck and happy days.
Thats not true about not burning off burger calories, your body does not differentiate between a burger or an apple, calories are calories.
I'm 5'8 and 60 years old. I wont tell you my weight but it has gone down in the past 2months. I used to maintain 150 with no problems, but now its harder because as you age your metabolisim goes down. I have knee priblems, witch makes it hard to do alot of cardio exercise but I love to walk. I would love to see 150 again.…
Hi, Im 60 and looking for someone my age to be friends with on my journey to better health.