

  • My breaking point was when I realized I have no clothes that fit me because they are too small for my frame now. I feel ugly and un -pretty because only spandex fit me and I am tired of wearing those instead of jeans. I also dont feel like buying new clothes because I know that if I do I will get bigger than I am now. :////
  • I completely agree with you. I got mine done 3 years ago thinking that they would help my self esteem and to my surprise they didn't im still battling with myself and my weight. You will think they are the greatest thing in the beginning but trust it will fade away and you will deal with something else you don't like about…
  • I got mine done almost 3 years ago after my ex bf broke up with me and just after I turned 21. I was thinking it would help my self esteem but I as wrong it didn't, now i have other security issues that im battling with. :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • Thanks! It really isn't that hard your right, its all in your head. The first 2 weeks might be a little difficult but taking it day by day will definitely get you there. :)