

  • I just turned 20 and I am newer to this site. I have been logging my food and what exercise I do and I felt embarrassed some days but just went with it... Then I saw your post and thought," How annoying to make it private!!" So I checked my settings before I commented here and realized mine has been private this whole…
  • I'm on camp pendleton:) I am new on this site and was just looking through all the boards- I know this is old just thought I would reply.
  • Camp Pendleton, California!
  • Hey there, I am a military spouse:) My husband is in the Marine corp and is currently at EMV training, So it isn't a true deployment since it was only a month however he deploys next June- dreading the seperation and hoping to have alot of support from family and classes on base.
  • Oceanside, on Camp Pendleton. New to this site and can't wait to get my husband involved in making a life style change, Hoping when he gets back at the end of the month I will potentially have some results but also have a changed way of approaching food and help him get on track so we can support eachother!