Way to go! You look so great, your dedication is definitely paying off :)
"Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated." I think this reigns true a lot. At some point most of us have been told we're obsessed. Those who don't try to live a healthy lifestyle simply can't understand that it takes actual work. I think the biggest thing is that when we see someone doing something good…
I was lazy. Ohhhh so lazy. I was under the impression that my adolescent metabolism would drive me through my life and I'd never have to worry. Oh, how wrong I was. In high school I gained 30 pounds without even actually realizing it. Once I reached 150 I knew I had to change as I didn't want to get any heavier. My…
The only reason I would hope so is because I train to fight everyday!
I just need to lol.
Exact same for me. I honestly thought my younger metabolism would coast with me through life. Oops. Oh well, you've gotta learn to love hard work! I appreciate it and everything that it does for me. I'm stronger mentally, physically, emotionally -- just all around.
Most people sound rude when they're trying to legitimately give advice. It's all too easy to 'sound condescending' in text, and I see a lot of people accused of being just that when they are genuinely trying to help. Most people are just concerned for the persons health as this usually happens in topics about eating a…
Absolutely fantastic! Good for you beautiful girl! You're inspiring others to no end :)
Congrats congrats congrats! This post has honestly brought me a ridiculous amount of happiness -- I just love seeing a person decide to change their life. Good for you, sir. I applaud you!
I completely agree with your last point. It's all about our self-esteem, really. We need to be comfortable with ourselves to see us as we truly are.
I think that the more you do it, the more you actually WANT to do it. I look forward to planning my meals a day ahead because it sets me up for a perfect day! I really recommend it, but most people make excuses. Everyone has time. E V E R Y O N E. I find time in between working daily, MMA classes, my own regular training,…
I have my days... Some days I think I look damn great and that all my hard work has paid off. And then, even just a few hours later sometimes, I feel the exact opposite and think that I somehow gained weight, I still look huge etc etc. It's really sad that we all KNOW how far we've come, yet when we see it in the mirrors,…
Going on the pill has never affected my weight whatsoever. Solely my own eating and exercising habits.
How long have you been eating such small amounts? If your body is reacting like that, you have definitely gone into starvation mode. That just does not happen when you are healthy. If it's been awhile, I can guarantee you've damaged your metabolism and you're going to need to reverse diet to correct it. You cannot get…
I've got a fitness ig! Feel free to follow :) @thatfitchick_
I was in grade three and it was the beginning of the day. An announcement came on over the PA and we were told to stand for a minute of silence.. we weren't sure what was going on, but we knew it was bad. I found out when I went home that afternoon. Even for a third grader from Canada, it tore me up. Prayers for any and…
What always gets me pumped up.. "I'll Make a Man Out Of You" from the Mulan soundtrack. I sound crazy, I know, but just try it! Also, "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera is an amazing workout song, along with "Just a Girl" by No Doubt
Stick with HIIT and heavy weight training. They honestly melt the fat away and give you beautiful lean muscle. "Quick fixes" don't tend to work in the long run, stick with what's tried and true :)
Yup, this is my exact thoughts on marriage. I think marriage is a beautiful thing, so long as you're not getting married for ridiculous reasons..
These were SO GOOD. Seriously, thank you. I subbed the egg white for an entire egg because I wanted the healthy fats and extra protein and they turned out PERFECT :) I used cinnamon swirl whey protein and it was divine. Topped them off with a pb marshmallow protein fluff (3 tbsp greek yogurt, 1/2 scoop pb marshmallow…