

  • name is kristi. I messed up also, this weekend I ended up with a pulled muscle in my right calf. I didn't get to excersize as much as I wanted to and I felt like a whale. U have the power to choose your own path. I decided today that mfp needed our own serenity prayer and i also decided I was going to recite it…
  • you could do it under dance- general.
  • How do I measure the miles on my bicycle? I am never sure of the milage.
  • Thanks for your advice. I am doing this day by day. I am not giving myself more then a weeks goal. that way I won't be overwhelmed and quit. Its gonna me a journey I just hope its a happy one. :happy:
  • Hi y''all it's day 13 and I have lost 6 lbs. I am on a mission and determined to make it happen. I am going to live each day like its my last. I am going to reach my goal. I refuse to be any heavier then I am now. 4 years ago I had quit smoking and that was rough because I did it "cold turkey". So if I made it through…
  • I will incorporate everything you have said into my diet. thanks for the info teddy. I really appreciate it.