

  • When i have been under very stressful times. I try to keep fruit available so I can grab a healthy snack. I also find that meal planning and cooking ahead or with a crockpot allows us to eat well with out relying on takeout. I also rely on frozen veggies and canned veggies and fruit as I can keep them on hand. Good luck I…
  • Don't be too hard on yourself, since you were in the hospital I am thinking that your body has been through some sort of illness or injury. Don't cut too much as your body needs nutrition to heal. Try to eat a balanced diet and stay well hydrated. You will be back on track soon.
  • I use a calendar on my fridge to track my exercise for the day. I usually wear a pedometer every day and when I walk at lunch I try to at least double whatever I have on my step count for the first half of the day. Keeps me moving!