MrsFrosty84 Member


  • Some real inspiration on here! I'm 5ft6.5, current weight around 195, highest weight was 216lbs about 5 years ago, got down as far as 175 but then went and had a baby and ate a lot of cake ;) She's now almost 2 and I set myself a target of losing 28lbs between my last birthday and the next one (in August). So first GW is…
  • I'd rather drink a full fat drink and take the hit in calories than take in that much artificial sweetener.
  • One thing that helped me today was to stick my ipod on in the background and turn Jillian down. Mainly because every time she says "a couple mooooore" I want to scream at her "'a couple' means TWO, not FIVE, you evil woman!" ;)
  • I allow myself an extra 100 calories a day nursing a 23 month old 1-2 times a day (both sides). This is quite an interesting take on it :
  • Just finished Day 7 on Level 1. I did give Level 2 a try after Level 1 on Sunday but don't feel ready to step up yet despite being soooooo bored of Level 1! And I hate lunges, for the record ;) No scales in the house so no idea on weightloss but feeling pretty good :) Zumba tomorrow for a "rest"!
  • Ooo, that does sound like a good alternative to porridge in the morning! We always have quinoa in the house but never really know what to do with it. Will be interested to see what others come up with