williamskristy1 Member


  • Such amazing news!! Congratulations!! I have actually been told the same thing about giving up hope as a few women I know did the very thing & ended up pregnant!! :) Congrats again; such a blessing!
  • Mamma_nee... I like your advice about "love yourself even fat" because it truly is THAT important to have the confidence to succeed. Being healthy is the most important thing over losing weigh, but I dont think you will ever lose weight if you're not somewhat happy with who you are to embrace change.
  • My biggest challenge seems to be getting at least 1200 calories in everyday. I am trying to keep my carbs under 50-60g and sugars around 30g (simply basing that off some articles that I have read, but I'm not sure of the validity). I don't eat out often; perhaps once a month or so. I exercise regularly & I do weight…