

  • I started today. It is a calorie deficit diet by the recipes are delicious and I think it's a great way to get out of a plateau. In my case I'm exercising and eating healthy but I'm not losing that much weight anymore, so I'm doing this for 3 weeks and then continuing with healthy habits and exercise.
  • I'm a stay at home mom of a 20 month old. I gained 40 pounds during my pregnancy and then some more while breastfeeding. I have been watching what I eat and started to work out about 4 months ago. I'm feeling great and on the way to attaining my goal weight of 140, I'm at 160 right now so I have a long way to go. Feel free…
  • I'm 5'6" and my goal is to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 140lbs. I'm currently at 163 and started at 180lbs 6 months ago! I notice how hard it is for me to lose weight now after being pregnant!! Before I used to diet and exercise and lose 10 pounds in a month!! It's been a hard, bumpy road but I hope to get down…
  • Wow! How did you do it??