

  • Thats great you guys, I´m really noticing a difference too, I´ll be doing day 1 of level 2 in a minute, I´ll let you know how it went! I´m looking forward to it, I´m getting kinda bored with level 1 too! I´m really feeling good about this shred, it´s totally working for me :)
  • Hows everybody doing? :)
  • Hi Dani! Good for you to start shredding! The first few days are the hardest, I felt so sore at first. But just fight through it and you won´t regret it :) I did day 9 today and I´m actually starting to see some changes, and I love it!
  • Finished with day 9!! Can´t wait to start level 2, just one more day of level 1! I really spot a difference in my tummy now, I didn´t think it would happen so soon, I am sooo happy :D Im taking pictures once a week and also measuring everything. Hows everyone else doing? Hope you´re excited to get to level 2!
  • Hi mystic and sorry for the late response! You are of course welcome to join us :) Congratulations on the engagement! :D Wow some people can be so insensitive!! But great for you to want to make a change, thats always a start :) I just finished day 8 in the shred and I think its so great to have people here on MFP to talk…
  • Of course a HRM is always more accurate :) Better to put the numbers in yourself instead of the numbers from MFP.
  • Bzbear- Its both of those exercises. I know now that I did the lunges all wrong, made my man watch me while I did the exercise! And the squats, I went too far down on them :S So I fixed that today, and it was much better! Just have to be a bit more careful :) Frubjious- You go girl ;)
  • Good job Ley! And Bzbear you´ll just get right back on the horse today :) My left knee is messed up, I´m doing something wrong or going too far down, I have to be careful today!
  • Hope you can squeeze it in today ley, its only 20 minutes :) I just finished day 6. I still struggle a bit with the push ups... Hows everybody else doing?
  • Great job you guys :) I finally got around to do day 5 earlier, been kind of busy today. Today is also my cheat day, I´m going real mellow on it though :P Maybe some gummy bears and that is it !
  • I do the regular ones, but they are really hard! Bzbear I think thats how its done, 10 days at each of the levels :)
  • Of course! Have you done the shred before? This is my first time doing it, all I can say it is quite brutal but I´m totally up for the challenge :)
  • Haha yeah I watched it the other day and it wasn´t scary at all... I´ve read that level 2 is the hardest... But good luck if you decide to try it :) Are you guys doing a lot of other stuff besides the shred?
  • Day 3 done! Thought it was easier than yesterdays workout. Those push ups are so tough though, I almost can´t get up in the last set, hopefully I will get better at them :)
  • Good to know it won´t always be like this! I won´t give up, I want to look good for christmas :D
  • God, am I the only one DYING here? (I´m known to be a bit dramatic but seriously if I don´t log on here tomorrow its because I have died from the pain!) Makes me question what the heck I was doing before this. I thought I was in okay shape, given I had a baby 9 months ago but I have been working out 4 times a week for…
  • Good for you! Yes that Jillian sure is tough haha!
  • I totally agree, those side lunges are insane! I think I need to soak up in the tub, for like a week... Man I´m sore!!
  • Hi guys, yes please join us :) And Sexygenius you can put water in water bottles just to get you started if you don´t have hand weights yet :) I´m about to start my day 2 exercise, and I don´t really know how that one is going to end, since I had trouble just getting out of bed this morning!! But it´s good, that means its…
  • I´m exactly the same, really sore right now. Okay, so I´ll just put it in as a circuit training, I think thats good. I just change my goals (for this 30 day shred) and something is not right I think, with the numbers... I´m so new at this, its going to take me some time just to get to know this stuff...
  • I was wondering how you put this in the exercise diary? I haven´t put anything in my exercise diary (except running) because I don´t know what to put in for a workout dvd, like the Tracy Anderson one I did. Do you guys know how to put in the shred?? Thanks in advance!
  • Those before shots are not doing ANYTHING for my confidence right now HA HA! Did the workout earlier, and I´m already feeling sore so I think that´s a good sign :)
  • It´s so great to hear from all of you! Thanks for all the comments :) And frubjious: Please join us :) I think I´ll take before and after pictures to see my results, I´m confident that I will see them :) I´m always a bit skeptical about weigh ins, if you gain muscle mass it doesn´t really show accurate number in fat…
  • Bzbear and Trickynotts: Yes yes!! The more the merrier :D
  • Thanks for the encouraging words, I´m really looking forward to this :) I´ve been doing Tracy Anderson´s mat workout (started with her post pregnancy workout though, since I had a baby a few months ago) for what seems like ages and I´ve noticed a small change in my abs but beyond that... I feel like I´ve been doing so much…