Silvergamma Member


  • When you lose a pound it either sneaks out the window, or uses the mail slot. Obviously.
  • 5 pounds, but I'm already back down 2 of those. Hopefully the other 3 fall off pretty quickly. I'm super sensitive to sodium and alcohol -> lot's of retained water from all the traditional food and spirits of the holiday.
  • Yup. Even with hard work and a surplus of food, women don't naturally build bulky muscle. This is a picture of Marilou Dozois-prevost: She is a Canadian weightlifting champion. That is someone who has committed their life to heavy lifting.…
  • I will counter that article with this crossfit blog: I'm going to keep working out, thank you very much.
  • I can only speak to what's worked for me. I eat approximately 1.2 x my BMR, or in my case: 1,575 x 1.2 = 1,890 kcal/day I've been working at this for a year, and it's not always straight forward. I have treated the whole process as a science project in a way, and I weigh in every day. Here's what my last year has looked…
  • Having spent the last year working on repairing my metabolism, I feel pretty strongly that eating at 1.2 x your BMR is a much more satisfying, and easy to maintain weight loss program than VLCD. Even with a doctor's supervision, VLCD can be very damaging. $0.02 Edit: From what I've read it's very damaging even to the…
  • I haven't gotten that, but I think that it's hard for people to visualize weight on others. When I started this, I couldn't believe that there was 57 extra pound on my frame, but it was there and it was distributed every where. Saying "I have 10 more pounds to lose" is a very abstract concept to everyone but me, because I…
  • I weight in, and track my weight daily. It's been a very cool science experiment to see my weight go down over time, but to also correlate my weight increases to the things I ate the day before, or to hormonal fluctuations. The big thing is to look at the overall trend, and to avoid punishing yourself for water weight…
  • I've been loosing weight for heart health -> I only really monitor total calories, sodium and cholesterol. Down 44 pounds so far, and goal weight is in site :).
  • Exactly. There is a blanket mentality to set goal weight loss to 2lb/week whether that's reasonable or not, and to eat at calorie deficits below BMR. Those are my two biggest issues with this site.
    in 1200 Comment by Silvergamma October 2011
  • Beat me to it :). The colon is not a repository for "toxins". There is no need to cleanse them, unless you have a medical condition, and a doctor is performing an enema to get a better look up there. Fresh veggies and other high fiber foods will make you feel just as good, and are 100% safe and effective.
  • It's taken me 11 months to lose 44 pounds. It's a slow process when you do it through lifestyle changes. HOWEVER, the slower you go the easier it is for those lifestyle changes to just become your lifestyle. In addition, it gives the rest of your body time to catch up, less loose skin, easier adjustment for body image…
  • The only way I was able to start getting healthy was when I had the epiphany that my poor self image and body hatred was contributing to me abusing my body. I decided that even if I wasn't the shape I wanted to be, I would work on treating my body in a loving manner. Love yourself, and the rest will fall into place.
  • I would highly recommend checking out some of the pod casts at You are doing so much good stuff, but you are eating WAY below your BRM which can be very hard on your metabolism. The Fat 2 Fit pod cast explain it really well. It's possible that if you up your calories, your body will have an…
  • Here are the things I've been doing to offset the cube-ness: Park as far away as possible. Take the stairs. Sit on a balance ball instead of a regular desk chair. Do 10-20 jumping jacks every time I use the restroom. Do 10 inclined pushups using the counter in the restroom (not touching the floor ;)). Drink my 8-glasses of…
  • Homeopathy:
  • Not sure about how the surgery effects things, but I do know that when you increase and/or change your work out routine, your body tends to store more water and glycogen in your muscle tissue -> an initial weight gain.
  • Fat 2 Fit Radio is amazing. Been listening to their pod casts for a couple of months, and it's totally changed my philosophy on weight loss.
  • Side note regarding homeopathy: I won't argue with the power of placebos, but that's basically what's at work here. It's hope and a very low calorie diet. Many of the folks on this site are here because they are trying to make changes that they can sustain for life. 500-800…
  • Here is an article on the Master Cleanse that talks about why "detoxification": The key bit from that article: "The body uses the liver, kidneys, GI tract and the lungs to rid itself of many toxic materials. This…
  • I would highly recommend checking out the "Fat 2 Fit Radio" pod casts. They are really awesome when it comes to explaining calorie deficits. In general: BMR = the calories your body uses to maintain organ function. Like jersey3025 said, it is how many calories your would burn per day if you were in a coma. The goal is to…
  • I've used MFP as my main tracking tool, and incorporated information from the Fat 2 Fit podcast ( In addition, I used the Couch to 5K program ( to get into running.
  • Eat a decent amount of calories. Eat good for you, wholesome food. Your body will take care of the rest.
  • Your body has all the organs it needs to remove toxins. If there are toxins in your system that can't be removed by healthy eating and drinking water, lemonade and laxatives are not going to help. Weight loss…
  • The goal, in my opinion, is to lose fat and to be healthy. Very large calorie deficits and chronic underfeeding will cause a person to lose weight, but it will be a mixture of fat and lean tissue. To achieve that healthy fat loss goal requires exercise and proper nutrition. You need to fuel your body to keep up with your…
  • I would suggest ramping your calories up slowly (like 100-200 cal/day each week). There might be a little bit of a gain, but it will fall off pretty quick once your body adjusts. With as much as you are exercising, you probably won't see much of a gain at all. Being so close to goal is also going to slow you down some.…
  • Yup, that's a great resource for a subject that has been pretty well covered. Another good resource about calorie deficits are the Fat 2 Fit Radio pod casts ( I really encourage everyone to learn about calorie deficits, and about how success comes down to more than weight loss. It's all about…
  • Just for clarification, what do folks mean when they say that they have cured their (or a loved one's) diabetes? It was my understanding that diabetes is a permanent condition once the pancreas has reached that point. If you mean that you are managing it without insulin shots, that's a fantastic accomplishment, I just feel…
  • I thought this was an interesting article about Planet Fitness Gyms: For what it's worth, I love working out at the local rec center. The variety of people there is awesome to me :).
  • You look great, and mad props on your ticker image ;).