stripeycat_nz Member


  • We think so too! lol! I'm from Welly.
  • Chocomole is great! There are a few different variations around on the internet. My kids like avocado, banana and some frozen berries pureed up together - it's a bit like a mousse - yum!
  • This is my favourite for cute lunchbox ideas: And this one for healthy kid-friendly recipes: We like avocado and cream cheese on corn thins/rice wafers for my gluten free girls. Marmite and cheese is popular too. You could do sushi or just ongiri -…
  • You can get reusable cloth sandwich bags that actually work really well. I like Snack Taxi and Lunchskins best. My kids use Planetbox stainless steel lunchboxes - they have lots of compartments built in. I use Lunchbots stainless steel ones mainly - they…