

  • I managed to run all 5 days this week including only 4 hours of sleep Thursday night! Thanks everyone for the advice and encouragement. I would have been completely lost without this forum and never would have made it. Running is a great start to the day and I found that I was happier and more clear headed all week. Here's…
  • So Monday and Tuesday have gone great. I followed most of the advice on here, laying out my running clothes the night before, going to bed early, having the coffee ready and I even left an encouraging note next to my alarm clock. Also, my SO promised to cook me dinner if I can do it all 5 days. Another thing that is…
  • Does it help doing it every day to get in the routine? I was thing M,W,F but maybe every day would be better. I was planning on a 30 minute run. Thanks for the advice!