

  • margaret, I with ya on the not loving running! I was feeling a bit akward with all the runners on this board, but glad to see I'm not alone =) I've gotten a bad start to this week eating wise, but hopefully I was just getting it out of my system. Its so hard to resist the bad stuff when someone sets it in front of you.…
  • jhann16 your puppy is so cute! I've got a mini doxie at home, she's about a year and a half old and a troublemaker!!! But such a sweetheart at the same time!!! She's actually inspiring me to get out and walk more daily because she's getting a big pudgy and thats a big no-no for her breed!
  • OOps! I forgot my name :) Call me Jaycee!! I'm so glad we've got so many mommies on here! Now tell me ladies is it just me or do you get the feeling that even when you get back to your pre preggo weight your pants just aren't going to fit the same? Mine fit, but so much differently than before and it's a bit…
  • Ooooh I want to join you ladies!!! I'll be 30 in December, so I guess I'm the youngster here for now LOL. I have a son turning one in March and am hoping to start trying for a sister or brother for him later this year or early next year! So my goal is to lose about 45 lbs before I start hauling out my maternity clothes for…