

  • 50 is exactly what I'm trying to lose, still have about 40 to go. I'm starting to feel a difference in my weight though so I'm motivated to keep going. :)
  • I don't do cheat days. I've tried in the past but I notice I tend to fall off the wagon shortly after.
    in Cheat Day Comment by magica_ July 2014
  • I too, love the two combined. So good. Salted caramel, or chocolate covered pretzels. :) But typically I tend to be more sweets addicted. In the past I've tried losing weight by cutting out all junk food and candy. It backfired horribly. :P
  • Try not to be depressed! Weights tend to fluctuate for one reason or another, I know there are times where I can weigh myself one day and be down, and weight myself the next day and have gained half a pound or more, even though I changed nothing about my routine. I know I shouldn't weigh myself every day for that reason,…
  • My main goal is to reach 120. I've never been 120 before, so I don't even know how possible it is, but my lowest I have ever actually been was 130 and I felt good but still like I had a few more pounds I wanted to shed, so that's why I chose 120. Now my first and easier goal is to reach 150 because that's where my weight…
  • Yeah, I tend to go in a cycle where I'll get motivated to lose weight and I'll continue with it for awhile and end up with no more than 10lbs lost, then I'll just give up and then later I'll gain that weight back plus more and I get depressed... and eventually the cycle starts again. I just wish for once I could even lose…