For me personally, when I over do it on carbs I feel sluggish or sweets, when there is a peak in your insulin-like if you have a candy bar or a very sweet fruit, you might have a peak of insulin but it will drop quickly causing you to feel sluggish-up the protein eat veggies and have healthy snacks at least 3x a day.
WOW that is amazing, how'd you do it? I have the last 10LBS to lose and struggling with it, i'm already in the 140's, need to lose more though. HELP!
YESSSSS, I totally understand what you are going through, by no means am I jealous, but I have this friend she loves chipotle eats it every other day- drives me mad, i love the smell. yum but I can't these last 10 LBS are the hardest for me to lose to reach my goal and it seems like whatever I do , I can't lose them ughhh.…