wink77 Member


  • I was told once I was a month out I could have caffine. I like my coffee with alot of stuff in it (sugar, cream, flavorings) so, it's just easier for me to skip it. I think your cup in the morning is fine. I'm 7 weeks post op.
  • I travel for my job, so, I get to experience this a couple of weeks out of the month. I take ready made protein drinks and have them for breakfast every day. Low calorie and 30 grams of protein. You can buy them lots of different places, I get mine at Sam's; they actually taste good. I take what I eat for lunch, you know…
  • Mine was definitely diet related. Anything greasy or with a tomato base was the worst for me. I take prescription Prilosec. Once I changed my diet, it fixed itself. I would google it, there's got to be some suggestions out there for what you should and shouldn't eat. I just know what worked for me. I'm on a high protein…
  • I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism when I was in 5th grade (36 now.) I lost a lot of hair, was very tired, and freezing cold all of the time. It took a long time for someone to test me, but, once they did and I started medication, I changed in to a different person. I've had trouble losing weight in my adult life, but, I…
  • Cheese and crackers would work. I eat the big Wheat thins with Babybel cheese for a snack and it's filling. How about picking up a yogurt? Greek yogurt is filling and you could eat it quickly.
  • I bought the Fitbit Flex and love it. I chose it over the Jawbone because it can synch through bluetooth to my Iphone. I track my food on MFP and my fitbit synchs to MFP as well. I've had mine about 6 weeks and haven't had any problems, I wear it 24/7 and don't even know that it's there. I got it at Best Buy.
  • At Christmas time my mother in law makes these shortbread cookies and she puts a mini snickers inside and bakes them. And then drizzles chocolate on the outside once they are baked. They are the bomb! Yum!!
  • We are DINKS! My husband and I have been together almost six years, married a little over a year. We both have good jobs, a home, very little debt and three adorable dogs. We do want children in the next year or so. Our friends are limited as well, they either have small children or live far away.
  • A cheese track with crackers would be a good non cake alternative.
  • I like GNC's Total Lean 25 in Rich chocolate. I believe if you are a Gold card member (free right now) you can get a can for $30-$35. I mix it with skim milk and sometimes throw in a scoop of PB2. I like the Premier Protein ready made drinks from Sam's Club too. I don't remember the cost on those though. Everyone has an…
  • I am on a high protein diet. I usually drink a protein shake, you can get them about anywhere, I buy mine at GNC. You could also have Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese with melba toast. Quaker has this Weight Control oatmeal in individual packets that is good as well. I have to change things up or I get bored. Good luck!
  • I got mine at Best Buy about a month ago. I purchased online and picked it up at the store.
    in Fitbit flex? Comment by wink77 May 2013
  • I have crushed melba toast and made a breaded/coating for it and then baked it about 10 mins. I could use some recipes too.
    in Talapia Comment by wink77 May 2013
  • I have to take horrible drugs and pain pills for arthritis. I take a pill for reflux. And another for Pcos. My biggest issue and the reason I am doing something is that my periods are a mess and I don't ovulate. I am praying for a post weight loss baby.
  • Great! I will be sleeved May 6th. I started my Pre Op diet today. I'm ready to do this!
  • I've been Hypothyroid since I was 10 years old (26 years) and I definitely think it has affected my weight. I know it's possible to lose because I have, but, I think it makes it more difficult. And blood tests as you are losing are very important as my dosage changed about every 20 lbs.
  • Diet Rite has the least that I know of, but, personally I think it's awful. I'll have a soda occassionally, but, I mostly drink water.
    in Diet Pop Comment by wink77 October 2012
  • Congrats on getting your date!
  • I too am waiting for surgery. I am waiting for insurance approval for the sleeve. You've done awesome pre surgery, keep up the great work.
  • Lincoln, NE here as well. I'm born and raised in the state, but, have just been in Lincoln 5 years. Love it!
  • I'm waiting for approval as well. :-)
  • Hi, Im Angela from Nebraska. I just completed my pre surgery items and am waiting for my surgery date. My psch and OH led me to Mfp. Im a newlywed and have a lot to lose but know I can do it. My ultimate goal is to have children.
  • Hi. I am in Lincoln. Trying out this site based on a suggestion. Glad to see some neighbors here!
  • Hi am Angela. I just completed all my re surgery steps and will be having the sleeve later this month. I have over 150# to lose.