

  • Yes, I think this was more of a MFP website confusion thing, when I changed my lifestyle to "sedentary" I thought that question addressed primarily my normal day-to-day activities EXCLUDING any exercise. It didn't seem quite right to me either, so again, I thank everyone for their kind remarks.
  • (And thanks for those using kindness to help)
  • To be frank, it had me on 1,540 calories at first (which I still thought seemed a bit low), but with nothing changing for a while I changed my answer to the question about daily activity level (career, etc.) to the lowest one about 4-5 days ago.
  • Glad to hear I'm not crazy. When MFP suggested I barely eat over 1,200 calories a day I thought that was nuts. Has this happened to others? I put in my height, weight, activity level, fitness goals, etc. and that's what it computed. Other than that, my days ARE very sedentary except for the times I exercise. I will adjust…
  • Any other takers?
  • Thanks guys. I'm 5'11", I started at 188, now I'm at 179 and stuck. I do have a food scale that I use, and I'm careful about measurements. I am a physician and my work days are fairly sedentary so MFP has me limited to 1,240 calories a day. For exercise I will do HIIT on a treadmill for 20 minutes or so, or if it's nice…