robcarter10 Member


  • I started EM2WL around the same time as you. Have you done measurements during this time? I have read many posts where people say they lose inches without losing weight. As for me, I have not been that lucky. I hadn't seen any loses in weight or inches until the past two weeks when my body just suddenly started responding…
  • I would think that if your goal is just to reach the calorie level where you maintain that you could ignore this. From what I understand, diet breaks are more for those of use eating at 15% to 20% less than TDEE so that our bodies do not adjust and stop losing weight at that calorie amount.
  • amonkey794 I had not really heard of I diet break until I read this post either. So, I went back and searched some old posts on the topic. Aparrently, eating at TDEE for a week or two helps your body and metabolism from adjusting to the new calorie level you have been eating at. I read in a post that it was supposed to be…
  • Welcome to the group! Let me start off by saying that I believe in the information that you will read in this group even though it does seem to be the opposite of what we have learned for so many years. I know that I always believed that to lose weight that I had to cut calories as much as I could. However, I never managed…