HHAHA well this song would make me run ! .. away !
Ghosts N Stuff (Nero Remix) - Deadmau5 ...YES!!!
oh yeah !
Where I am its very expensive to get things like whole unpasterized milk, or grass fed ,eat, or good quality dairy at all without crap in it. And then you got your over processed garbage thats so cheap. But veggies and fruit are very cheap so I stick to alot of that.
Well as for the grains, They can be bad like if you get white bread or well any bread you can buy or any wheat you buy, but if you get certain flours and you soak them with whey or vinagar overnight (like they have been doing in some cultures for years, or soak your rice like they do in india still.) it makes it easy for…
I started eating this way (with some exceptions due to budget or lack there of ! haha) But I failed and relapsed now I am doing it again man do you feel better doing this !!!