

  • - sliced cucumbers with 2 Tbsp of Tahini Hummus, add in Chia seeds to keep you full longer! - I like to mix blueberries, cherries & grapes together, a 1/4c each. - sliced tomato with flavored tuna pack on top. - fat free cottage cheese with sugar free strawberry jelly. yummo!! *little trick* replace mayonaise with french…
  • i love that site! I've found a lot of helpful things there. I really like also. I've been spending more time at the health food/organic grocery stores and its like foreign territory to me! I recently discovered the health benefits of chia seeds, hemp seeds and bought some coconut manna. Its fun…
  • I use unsweetend almond milk. Its only 35 calories per serving!!
    in Protein Shakes Comment by th83 May 2012