

  • hi sarah... LET'S DO THIS!!
  • Jamielynn...I am the same as you with exercise. I actually run a few times a week, I do step aerobics, weights at the gym, etc. LOL and then I do the same thing as you with the diet. It's like "hmmmmm I worked out for 30 minutes, I should be able to eat this cheese burger, fries, milkshake, and a pie, with extra lard on…
  • Thanks girls!
  • I am new too, and like you I hope to lose about 30 pounds. But my youngest son is 5, so my "losing baby weight" excuse vanished years ago! LOL Also like you, everyone around me seems to be able to eat whatever they want and never gain a pound. I used to be that way too, years ago, but not anymore. I looked at a piece of…