krae84 Member


  • I'm 5'4 and weigh 218. I power walk with my dog outside 3 x per week and a Jillian michaels DVD twice a week. I can't do every single exercise but I try my best. You should be able to do anything modified. Walking is a great start even if it's only if it's a short distance :) you can do it :)
  • I had the same problem until i started adding weights. I just used to do cardio and now i use Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and lost 2.3 lbs in 5 days. It really got me over the hump. Are you doing any muscle exercies? I also try a mild cheat day once per week and find that can also get me over the minor cheat…
  • So i'm just going to throw it out there. I agree that i can eat 1200 cal a day and lose weight. I lost 75lbs doing this 3 years ago. I did gain some back and recently when i went back to this method i couldn't lose. I went to my DR and dietitian and was advised to eat my TDEE also that i'm not just to eat a yogart for…
  • i do the same
  • i use the 20% subtraction. I've been doing it for 4 weeks. I was only eating 1200 cal before and my calculation is 1630. I expected to have a gain in the first few weeks and was mentally preparing for it lol. To my surprise i LOSTTTTT yea! 2.5 the first week and a solid pound every week after that. This method has really…
  • Seriously read the In Place of A Road Map article. Search for it on here. It will tell you what your goal should be each day regardless of eating back exercise cals etc. I eat 1600 and exercise 4-5xweek. I've lost the most weight following this article and u won't have to worry about what to do with the exercise cals. I…
  • Hey! I'm on day 8 and love it. I think you could use plates if that is what u have. I use 5lbs for some and 8lbs for others. 2.5 lbs will be too light. You have to push yourself to a certain extent since it's a 20 min work out. You do not need a lot of space. I do it in my small office :). Day 1-3 sucked and i was super…
  • I agree. I eat 1600 calories regarless of whether i exercise or not. if i know for sure that i cannot exercise i will hold back to 1500. i had been eating back all of my exercise calories in the past and lost for a while but soon my metabolism slowed down and i stopped losing all together. I think u need to decide what…
  • I'm 28 and on here all the time. I'll keep you in line if you do the same for me lol!
  • Im in the same boat. I am totally aware that i got to where i am by eating junk food but now that i'm trying not to eat refined sugars and such it is hard to get to 1400 for me. I eat a lot of lean meat and yogart etc. I recently started muching on almonds at work and this gives me an extra 200 calories and a boot of…
  • Californiagir - i'm not judging anyone or comparing myself to them. The reason I look at their diary's is too see what their eating and get ideas for my own meals. But if someone is eating too little there is not a whole lot of selection lol. You misunderstand what i am asking for. No worries :) Thanks everyone else for…
  • I LOVE my heart rate monitor and my last trainer approved. If anything i think that it helps to keep me motivated. For example, i have a certain routine i do and if i can burn 400 calories doing it and i burn less i know i need to kick it up. I use mine everyday and really like having it. I find that according to my…
  • Hop back on my friend! I fell off too I'll add you :) i lost 75 lbs and 30 found their way back. You can do it!!!
  • Hey! I'm 27 and have about 40 lbs i'd like to lose. I have lost 75 lbs in the past about 4 years ago but just this year 30 creeped back on...ouch. I'm also looking for support. My food diary setting are set to allow friends see my diary on purpose as i feel it keeps me more accountable lol. I'm willing to do the same for…