

  • <270lbs 350lbs> grrr i cant get the pic to load :\ <a href="http://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd397/dirtyg1rl/?action=view&current=IMAG1469.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd397/dirtyg1rl/th_IMAG1469.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" ></a>
  • people of the same weight can look completly different, and one may seem fatter because the other has more muscle than fat. take 3 woman that weigh 200 lbs...one could be a size 10, 1 could be a 14, and one could be a size 20. My friend and i wear the same size clothes and are pretty much the same height but i weigh about…
  • i have lots of tattoos...gotten when ive been thinner and thicker. Ive been pretty lucky that none of mine have been transformed during my losses and gains...mind you none are on my stomach or thighs. but i do have them on my arms, shoulders, calves, and all over my back. if you are planning on getting one in those areas i…
  • im 5'10 and 270 and according to the calculator thing i should be consuming 1530 for my loss goal. which im good about sticking to. i "workout" twice a day. i use that term loosely. i walk a treadmill for 20-30 minutes and usually do like 10 minutes or so of jumping jacks or something similiar. I really think its what im…
  • WOW! thats freakin awesome