

  • You are so pretty and inspiring! I definitely got off track but reading stories like yours gives me the motivation to start again.
  • You are so pretty and inspiring! I definitely got off track but reading stories like yours gives me the motivation to start again.
  • test - I updated my signature with the new ticker and wanted to see if it worked.
  • Rebecca - thanks so much for creating the ticker image! Its awesome. Ladies - I learned something new today - 1 pound equals 3500 calories. Go figure! Well.. Casey said I'm the last to introduce myself so here goes... The basic and boring stats are that I work in HR for one of the world's largest Accounting firms, I have a…
  • Its all about networking! I'm in HR and in the end, its about how you sell yourself. Check out toastmasters.org and find a group in your area. Its an excellent community, supportive and looks great on a resume - trust me! Work your profile on linked in and create a website focusing on your goals... Also check out this…
  • You need to be patient. He will do it in his own time when he is ready... you may not know it but he might have a surprise up his sleeve... you can't push it on guys or they well run away (I've been engaged twice and never married - thank god). Just keep in there. It will happen when the time is right and the more you…
    in not married Comment by vmata1 June 2011
  • Olive Oil is considered the healthiest oil out there which is usually what I use or you can go to the health food store and try sunflower or peanut oil. Its more expensive but less fatty.
  • This is so incredible! You look utterly beautiful :) Thanks for the inspiration!!
  • Congrats!! This is so inspiring and really amazing! Thank you for sharing the pictures. I have been slow with my weightloss and getting slightly discouraged. This is just the sort of inspiration I need to keep on moving!
  • It is super hard saying not to chocolate! Espacially when my roomie is bring the new "christmas" line home this weekend for a taste test! I do like the tip on the dark chocolate. I've eaten 4 Baci balls today and am going to say no when I get home and instead go straight to the gym!