sunlover89 Member


  • How does this apply to a crossfitter who needs to drop 40/50lbs of fat, as well as wanting to be stronger/fitter?
  • I really dislike "diet" foods, unless they are lower fat naturally. Most diet products = low fat, more sugar. I actually detest WW products, I can't believe a company trying to help people achieve better health would sell garbage like that.
  • Wtf, you just said "Fasting is dangerous" then "I have no opinion on it for healthy individuals"? I smell a big hairy troll with half a brain.
    in 20:4fast Comment by sunlover89 July 2013
  • "In addition to the side effects that can commonly occur as the result of fasting, such as dizziness, headache, nausea, muscle aches and anxiety, there are more serious problems that can arise. If you fast too long, your body may go into starvation mode, which can lead to anemia, hypoglycemia -- low blood sugar, and…
    in 20:4fast Comment by sunlover89 July 2013
  • Yep, 25g thick rolled oats, 180ml water, 1 scoop Phd vanilla creme, 25g smooth peanut butter. YUM
  • Read the lean gains website. Fasting really helped me with fat around my middle specifically. I did 20/4 for 6 weeks but as a woman it REALLY screwed with my hormones, out bodies work very differently to men, which is why it's suggested women who are serious about every day fasting should adopt a no greater than a 16/8…
    in 20:4fast Comment by sunlover89 July 2013
  • I feel your frustration. Before I started crossfit, I was DL 95kg, now I practice clean and jerks with a girls bar with 5kg plates because I don't have the range in my hips yet. BUT, I feel sooo privileged to be learning from trainers that know what their doing and who are coaching me properly so I don't injure myself.…
  • Coconut oil is very good for you. High calorie =/= bad. Paleo/primal followers eat this stuff by the spoonful.
  • On heavy lifting days I have a big breakfast, other days I fast till lunch Today.. 20g thick cut rolled oats w/skimmed milk+water 1T peanut butter 1 egg omelette w/ 1 turkey sausage, 1 tomato, garlic, basil, 1 rasher smoked bacon, 1/2 T olive oil + 1/4 T ghee Side of 60g cucumber 650cals, 12g carbs, 31g protein, 29g fat.…
  • on the low fat! If you eat more fat, you'll not have those late night cravings!
  • Sweet potatoes and bananas!
  • I really don't see how you can do that without chopping off a limb. 7.4kg is a LOT of weight to lose in a month, let alone a week! Did they tell you this at short notice? Not very fair...
  • Turkey - cheaper than chicken Sweet potato - much healthier than white potato and cheap carbs Broccoli and carrots Top with instant (I use bisto best) chicken gravy. This is my fail proof, cheap and very satisfying go to meal.
  • Carbs make you retain water, exercise makes you retain water. Tada! ;-) Just drink more and that'll help. Ignore the scales.
  • Is there a reason you have to go to Mcdonalds. Can you not get a little cooler bag with a sandwich, fruit etc?
  • They are good if you are very close to your goal or are at goal. For those who are obese or overweight, they are unnecessary because the body holds a lot of energy stores so it doesn't "worry" about running out. What I don't like about cheat days is that it assumes that you are not eating enough the other 6 days or not…
  • I don't have an oven so my meal choices are a bit limited. My favourite meal is sauteed asparagus, pan fried pork belly (so tasty and crispy!) and baked sweet potato topped with ghee and cinnamon.
  • Bread Rice Pasta White potatoes Processed sugary foods Pineapple
  • This stuff made me suicidal after a week of taking it, and I'm not sensitive to stimulants!
  • Thing is on the packet it says "per 100g panfried" but i'm not sure if that is just a cooking suggestion or the actual nutrition content per 100g cooked. Hmm
  • And can someone explain why the opposite happens to me?!
  • There is a guy at my box who is 70, he's got a bit of a belly but after a year at crossfit, he's fitter than me! (Although i'm tediously unfit) All the movements in crossfit can be scaled to your ability, and the trainers are very good at setting you at the right pace in the right direction. E.g. I can't do pull ups, so I…
  • Holy cr*p!!! Look at those legs and abs!!! Awesome job, can't wait to see your results in another few months!
  • Poptarts, seriously? You might as well eat a chocolate bar! (sorry, that sounds a bit mean, just pleeease don't eat poptarts!!) Try eggs, scrambled or an omelette with spinach. Or poached on seeded bread. Snack on low GI fruit. If you still have calories left at the end of the day, have a tbspn of nut butter (almond is the…
  • Low carb requires you to consume more fat and protein, that's the point of a low carb diet..
  • I have a low carb protein shake as soon as I wake up. The night before I make a paleo pancake (half a banana, 1 egg, 20g ground almond) and eat that after the gym (edit, crossfit!) with lots of water and a handful of berries. Does the job!
  • I started crossfit last week. It really has been my saviour! It's like circuit training, to the pro intense. Youtube a WOD. It's a mixture of cardio, weight lifting (Olympic and power) and own bodyweight exercises like burpees, pull ups and press ups. I can't do pull ups or a full deep press up so they are scaled to your…
  • Exercise isn't just to burn calories... Exercise makes me feel good Exercise balances my hormones Exercise makes me fitter Exercise makes me stronger Exercise encourages me to be a healthier person so I make better choices. I eat back exercise calories when I'm hungry, I don't eat them back when I'm not
  • Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Keep your diet clean and drink plenty of water and your abs will reward you. I know lots of trainers who have awesome abs who never work on that area specifically, they are just a by product of a good diet and other full body exercises like squats and deadlifts.
  • I eat a lot of veggies with dinner so it wouldn't really fit on a small plate, also asparagus tends to hang off the edge.. But yes, if it will fit onto a small plate, it'll go on a small plate.