cbnorris Member


  • ummm... What is a meat popsicle?
  • I have never experienced bulimia, so unfortunately I can't offer any advice, but I applaud you on your courage! You can do it!
  • Yea I don't think the taste of pizza will ever change for me - but the taste of soda sure has!
  • I got this from Perkins the other day. It's their tuscan chicken grilled chicken. It's on their fit menu and with the rice it's like 599 calories, but I'm not big on rice, so I subbed it for broccoli and and it was even less calories, like 470 I believe? It was delicious.
  • it's crazy when you change your eating habits how the foods you used to love make you feel after over indulgence and sometimes don't even taste the same! It's a bit like a hangover - except, food. You'll be fine, you got this.
  • You are gorgeous! What a douche! I had to click your profile after you said that, and you ma'am do not look your age at all. I've always wondered why some people have closed diaries. I like snoop through them sometime for ideas on what to eat. Never thought that others were snooping just to judge and belittle.
  • Taco Bell is my fast food favorite. I used to stop by for a meximelt after work when I knew we would be eating supper late because of my other half's work schedule. The county fair is this week.... i'm trying to figure out how I can work a deep fried snicker in. I don't even want to think about when the state fair comes.…
  • LOLZ unrelated - I recently starting back on MFP and have been stalking a few threads and always have the urge to "like" comments as if I'm on facebook... does that sensation ever go away?
  • Great ideas! I hate Peanut butter but I recently bought a jar for my SO to use in his protein shakes. I'll have to keep these suggestions in mind for him!
  • Sweets have always been my biggest Achilles heel. Since I started back trying to get I'm better shape the past few weeks I've severally reduced it. I found these delicious lolipops that are like 40 calories that I enjoy when I want something sweet and tonight I has about 10 grapea that were rolled in lemon jello mox and…
  • Mmmm... chocolate milk....
  • So based on my weight loss goals calculated from MFP, it says that I should have 60 grams of protein a day. Which I have no problem of hitting without a shake. By those guidelines i would need much more (117 - 156) - should I edit the goal amount for protein?
  • Also curious on this - just bought Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle based off Amazon reviews
  • We do this and love it! Some meals are high in calories than others - but I always feel like I get a good mix of quality ingredients, some that I never would have tried otherwise. A lot better than eating out. And since they are in the fridge at home I can't use the excuse that I didn't sit something out or that I'm…
  • hmm apparently I'm doing something wrong...
  • My question is what do you measure? I've always been curious when people say they've lost x amount of inches what they were measuring. Is there a standard? Chest, stomach and hips? Or do you include neck, arms, thigh? I'm just measuring everything over here haha.
  • My love and I have different schedules and he usually works out before work, but gets excited to go to the gym with me at night as well.
  • Frodo = Elijah Wood
  • what a tremendous difference! way to go!
  • On to the Next One - Jay-Z 99 Problems - Jay-Z Girlfriend (remix) - Avril Lavigne w/ Lil Mama A Praise Chorus - Jimmy Eat World Transformers - Chris Brown w/ Lil Wayne Tamborine - Eve Ex Girlfrind - No Dought Excuse Me Mister - No Doubt Take It Off - The Donnas Soldier - Destiny's Child Gun Powder and Lead - Miranda…
  • Yea, I need this in my topics
  • great ideas! I like peaches or pineapple if i'm in the mood for a little sweetness, Otherwise it's garlic salt and black pepper. Yum!
  • Started this last night. I've been killing it on the eliptical for a while now and have really noticed a change in my stamina and I've also been strenght training 3x a week for a few months so I wasn't expecting it to be as hard on me as it was. The jumping jacks killed my shins and the squats were freaking crucial!…
  • Started The Girl Who Played with Fire Finding that the more I work out, the less time I have for reading.
  • Weighed in at 180.4 yesterday. I think I can do this! Congrats to all the other posters with their successes both big and small! Can't wait til July / August when all the birthdays and special occassions roll around!
  • recently discovered jello mousse, omg 60 calories and i feel like i'm being sooo bad eating it! also, apples, 100 calorie pack mint fudge petits, wheat thins fiber selects with a laughing cow triangle, various other fruits, handful of nuts, occassionally 100 calorie bag of popcorn
  • my challenge this week: get up early at least ONE day this week and do either Kettlenetics or 30 days shred and make an egg white omlet! I am soooo not a morning person. Every time I say I've going to get up early, I NEVER do.
  • I've been getting pretty slack on checking in. (From the looks of how short some of the threads have been lately so have some others, let's step it up ladies!!) Promise you do better though! :flowerforyou: Starting Weight - 193.4 (3/29) Week 1 - goal 2 lbs, weight 190.8 - 2.6 lbs (4/5) Week 2 - goal: 1.8 lbs, weight 190.2…