

  • Thank you for the feedback! I'm hesitant to measure myself and track one more thing. But you're right, I will give it a shot. Thank you!
  • Morning! Last week 148.6lbs Today 150.8lbs I'm so frustrated, I don't know what to do, any thoughts? I work out everyday but only log when I run.
  • Congrats everyone for weighing in another week! You may have not lost weight but it will happen, keep logging! I have been on a plateau for two months so I upped my calorie intake and it seems to be working. We will see.... current weight - 148.6lbs goal weight - 140lbs
  • Congrats everyone for weighing in another week! You may have not lost weight but it will happen, keep logging! I have been on a plateau for two months so I upped my calorie intake and it seems to be working. We will see.... current weight - 148.6lbs goal weight - 140lbs