

  • I do 30 Day Shred, follow Chris Powell's workouts in his book about Carb Cycling, and walk/jog. My first 5k is in March and I'm so nervous! Obviously I don't do all of that in one day! haha I do the C25K program three days a week and then the other three days I choose either 30 Day Shred or my Chris Powell routine.
  • Hello hello everyone! I'm Bethany, wife to a wonderful man for 7 years, and a stay at home Mama to two little girls. My oldest will be 2 in only one short week (sniff sniff) and my youngest just turned 8 months. I started this journey after giving birth to my youngest, weighing in at 302 lbs. I have lost 56 lbs. so far,…
  • Hello! I'm a mother of two daughters. The oldest will be 2 on Dec. 14 and my youngest just turned 8 months. They keep me busy that's for sure! I have lost 56 lbs so far and I have 100 more to go! I would love to have some friends also to help keep me on track and push me along!
  • Hi there Mikaela! When I gave birth to my youngest daughter (8 months) I weighed in at 302. The weight didn't fall off after I had her either. I stayed around 290 until I decided to do something about it. It was time to take my life back! It's a long road, but it's totally doable! Take it one day at a time! I'd love to…