mikeyrs Member


  • Have you been bikepacking this Summer yet? I haven't had a chance to get out into the deep woods recently. Opportunity knocks as my first two weeks vacation start Monday. But, that Grandpa thing may take precedence at this moment in time.... lol But, I still have four more weeks vacation to use up after that. My engine is…
    in Fat Bikes Comment by mikeyrs June 2015
  • My next pick will be a Salsa Vaya 2 for weekend road / gravel touring and tent camping. Yeah.... Rule #12 .... that n+1 thing.... I really must transition to s-1 very, very soon. lol Reference http://www.velominati.com/the-rules/
    in Fat Bikes Comment by mikeyrs June 2015
  • The 3-inch wide Surly Knard is an awesome tire in snow and mud, as well as deep forest loam, not to mention hard pack dirt. It's also pretty flat resistant in my experience. The 3-inch width doesn't provide as much flotation as the wider 26-inch Fatties so very deep beach sand is most definitely not its niche environment.…
    in Fat Bikes Comment by mikeyrs June 2015
  • If you're not eating back your burned calories, but rather focused upon reducing your resting heart rate, monitoring your maximum heart rate, or doing heart rate zone or HIIT trainng, an HRM will be useful. If you're tryng to increase the number of calories you can consume through eating back exercise calories, that's a…
  • Hi, I'm Mike, 54 years young. Been on MFP since November 2012 if I recall correctly. Initially lost 64 pounds and now my weight is back up to 217 again. I'm continuing to lose once more, but I have a way to go before I ease up. First stop will be onederland.... ahhh again, ....17 pounds from now. From there, I'm headed…
  • @pepperpat64 You probably have Wellgo 98A cleats mounted to your shoes. See them at http://en.wellgopedal.com/products_detail_0_384.htm. These are cast and then machined. One of your cleats may have excess casting material that can be filed down or otherwise addressed as described below. Also, cleats using two screws…
  • Thanks, @ntnunk - I really appreciate the info you provided!
  • I started with a Polar FT7 and its standard Polar HRM, so it served as a standalone device. I then upgraded to the Polar H7 BLE when I began going to the gym and subsequently transitioned to a fitness APP (Digifit iCardio). Later, I tried the Garmin HRM sold with the standard Edge bundle. Now, I wear the Scosche Rythm+ on…
  • In your situation, I would start by recommending you reduce or eliminate your intake of baked goods (cake, breads, etc.), sweets, and also eliminate sugary soft drinks and juices from your dietary intake, and then add whole grain foods to your dietary intake instead of baked goods. Unless you're already super thin, most of…
  • I must agree somewhat with this poster as I have a stable of four bikes from which to choose, and for quick trips to the market and other local errands, my go-to bike is my Fitness bike (essentially a hybrid with 700c x 32 mm all weather tires) with full-wrap fenders and platform pedals. It's not the fastest or the most…
  • Which sports bra do you recommend? My wife wants to know!?! .... lol
  • Wow, this thread morphed into something quite different than its title. But the subject matter is truly interesting. I've yet to consider a Power Meter measurement.
  • On my Garmin Edge Touring, which I would think would be the most appropriate device for interrupted recording, if you stop the recording, the activity is ended and you are given the option to save or trash the activity. I do not believe the activity can be later continued after using the STOP command. I'm not sure about…
  • I'm in for 200 miles in June. To date, I've been rained out on 6/1 and 6/2. But I'm sure I'll get a 10 mile ride in this evening as the skies are clearing and I wanna ride.
  • In all seriousness, buy a tape measure, specifically a digital tape measure (at Wal-Mart in the scale aisle for about $15 or so). Taking your various body measurements over time will keep you busy, motivated, and determined while offering you a complementary perspective as to how and where your body (and your overall…
  • I use the Withings Body Analyzer scale. It, and the Withings Web App, iOS App and the Withings Pulse all work fine for me. Withings software connects, syncs, and plays nice with everything else out there in iOS land.
  • Don't forget to scope out your local Garage Sales for 26-inch hardtails. Old School hardtails are everywhere and they are truly inexpensive now. And I noticed those 26-inch hardtails have more dust settled on 'em than they have dirt embedded in them!
  • Yup, Sprintech on my Roadie, and Mirrycle on my Fitness bike. Both are bar mounted. Neither have an issue with vibration. It just totally spooks me to ride on the road without a clear view of overtaking traffic.
  • If your heart rate never goes beyond 170 bpm regardless of your level of effort, you're just fine and you shouldn't have any health-related concern about your heart rate at your age and level of fitness. For your reference, I'm 54 and I have seen my heart rate reach 185 bpm more than once during a Fitness Assessment using…
    in Heart rates Comment by mikeyrs May 2015
  • By the way, using the generic formula 220 - age, and being 27 years old, your maximum heart rate should be about 193 bpm. (There is a slightly different calculation expressly for women but the result is pretty close within a few heartbeats). So it's unlikely you need to worry about your maximum heart rate at all given your…
    in Heart rates Comment by mikeyrs May 2015
  • Leanne, the cardio machines at the gym are typically designed to receive an external signal of a given frequency used for certain heart rate transmitters. This signal overrides the heart rate measurement registered by the machine through the pulse in your hands/fingers because that measurement is considered supplementary.…
    in Heart rates Comment by mikeyrs May 2015
  • In general, HRM logging is not absolutely accurate for everyone, and unless you're weighing everything you eat and you have absolute confidence in your BMR, TDEE, and the content of your daily intake, portion control is a wildcard for almost all of us. You can still tally your calories burned from one workout to the next,…
  • Yeah....I don't even count mowing because that's already included in my daily step count.... and I still remain challenged to reach my daily goal of 12,000 steps. I only count cycling and other cardio activities where my heart rate reaches and remains in the Fat burning zone for at least 30 minutes. If a high exertion…
  • It seems like you're having a really nice Sunday morning. I'm envious! Congrats on your step count! That's an active day!
    in Walking Comment by mikeyrs May 2015
  • I ride a Surly ECR. Technically, it's a 29+ (3-inch wide tires that are about 31 inches tall at full pressure. It's a pedal-powered Jeep that can take me just about anywhere in any weather. I use it for back-country escapes into the deep woods and it totally excels at that.
    in Fat Bikes Comment by mikeyrs April 2015
  • When I don't eat after 7 PM or 8 PM, that's when I realize the greatest and most consistent weight loss. I found the easiest way to make that happen is for me to avoid TV at night. I've got plenty of other activities to do in the evening, so I don't really miss TV at all....or all those commercials that are constantly…
  • If you eat oatmeal, add a couple of tablespoons of Spectrum Organic Ground Flax Seed to your oatmeal. That adds 3 grams of protein and gives the oatmeal a nice nutty flavor for about 80 calories per serving. That and a little Cinnamon atop the oatmeal and you've got a really tasty breakfast option. I HATED oatmeal until I…
  • My thought is you should add healthy fats like nuts, avocado, etc. as well as a variety of beans for an additional source of protein to your diet and reduce your carbs intake so your belly fat is burned more readily. In addition, do planks, situps, and pushups three times a week or so as part of your weekly routine. If you…
  • Well, you normally discard the bacon grease after consuming the bacon, right? So, the bacon grease is not really included in the calories for the cooked bacon. I suggest you add the calories for a quarter tablespoon of pork-rendered lard (115 calories for one TBSN) to each serving of meat, which works out to 29 calories…
  • I discovered a few different watch faces, widgets, Apps and Data Fields that enhance the Vivoactive user experience as they are more informative than the standard watch features.